Museum Exhibition 2015
This exhibition was planned to celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Embroiderers’ Guild of South Australia Inc. As well as the history, development and people of the Guild, the themes were expanded to include a wide range of topics related to embroidery. The themes were taken from the book:
Forty Years of Embroidery: The Embroiderers’ Guild of South Australia 1965-2005
- Introduction to Embroidery
- Samples, stitches and techniques
- Materials and Threads
- Styles of embroidery
- Embroidery in fashion and the home
- History of Embroidery Around the World
- History of Embroidery in South Australia
- Flourishing – the creation and development of the Embroiderers’ Guild
- Branching out – the twelve Country Branches with membership across the state
- Guild Personalities – important Guild members
- Contributing to the Community: Commissions
- Moving On – the various premises in which the Guild has met
- Sharing our skills – the advancement and study of embroidery including the Young Embroiderers/JEMS, Back to Basics and the Certificate in Embroidery
Dianne Fisher. Curator