The Embroiderers’ Guild of South Australia Museum is a not for profit organization and welcomes donations of textiles or money to enable us to maintain and enhance the collection.
If you wish to make a donation please contact the Museum.
To complete your donation, you will be asked to download and complete this form.
Collection Policy
The Embroiderers’ Guild of South Australia Museum collects and keeps examples of embroidery made by hand and representing as widely as possible the types and styles of embroidery of all periods and from all parts of the world. In addition, the Museum collects needlework accessories, tools, patterns, books and any other items that may be considered relevant.
The collecting areas are: examples that reflect the techniques, styles or use of embroidery; embroideries that represent historical and cultural traditions; examples of contemporary embroidery and resource material that contributes to the study and understanding of the collection
For the purpose of this collection, the term ‘embroidery’ refers also to decorative stitchery such as beading and patchwork and to all needle-made and embroidered laces. ‘Made by hand’ refers also to items freely embroidered using a sewing machine rather than those automatically produced.
Collection Criteria
The object must be relevant to the purpose of the Museum and suitable for use for exhibition and/or research. The following points are considered before a decision is made as to whether or not it can be accepted:
Firstly, it must be one of the following:
- embroidery
- needle-made or embroidered lace
- needlework accessory (e.g. pattern, material, tool) that will contribute to the study and understanding of the collection).
Only in exceptional circumstances will anything other than the above be kept. An example would be that the object is a significant part of a set or group in which the other objects are acceptable.
It should then meet a number of the following criteria:
- It is a good example of its kind
- The collection does not have any other example, or it has some characteristic that differs from those already held. [This may relate to the type of embroidery, the country of origin, the period, or the style of design. e.g. embroideries may be of the same technique but not from the same country or period.]
- It has some special quality as a study piece.
- It can be related to developments in the art, practice or traditions of embroidery.
- It has clearly established provenance.
- It is of historical importance. This may refer to either the history of embroidery, social history, or the history of South Australia.
- It is in good condition or can be appropriately conserved.
- It is suitable for exhibition and can be displayed using our facilities.
- It can be safely and appropriately stored.