- Owner
- Embroiderers' Guild of South Australia Museum
- Region
- Adelaide
- Creator
- Embroiderers' Guild of South Australia
- Measurements
- 95cm
- Historical Period/Date
- 21st Century (2000-2029 Early)/2018
- ID Number
- ESPO-064
- Classifications
- Commemorative Objects,Couching Stitch,Running Stitch,Stem Stitch,
Physical Description
A Christmas Tree comprising 19 double-sided green poly-cotton segments covered on both sides with signatures in a variety of colours and threads. Some embellishment with beads and sequins. The segments are joined around a dowel placed in a terracotta coloured pot with plastic grass to create a three dimensional tree.
Theme and Purpose
Commemorative - The Embroiderers' Guild of South Australia Inc. All members of the Guild were invited to sign a segment. At the time, a state wide Embroidered Signatures Project was about to be undertaken by the Embroiderers' Guild of South Australia Museum. Di Fisher, the Museum Curator, introduced the concept of community signature cloths at a general meeting in September 2017. The object was completed in time for the Members' Exhibition October 2018. 332 members participated. Beryl Kerslake co-ordinated the project.
Below are the names that have been transcribed from this object. Multiple instances of a name on one object is indicated by a bracketed number after the name. A name in bold appears on other objects. Click these names to see the other objects.
Adams, Margaret
Aikman, Joan
Albrecht, Maralyn
Allen, Helen
Anderson, Deb
Anderson, Joy
Ann, Beryl
Antram, Leonie
Antram, Maggie
Asmussen, Marjorie
Avey, Jennie
Barrows, Sue
Barry, Kaye
Bascombe, Rita
Bavistock, Ruth
Baxter, Margaret
Beauchamp, Kaye
Beech, Betty
Bennett, Janet
Bentley-Comins, Gail
Bills, Frankie
Bishop, Christine
Bishop, Emma
Black, Beryl
Boast, Veronica
Bockman, Angela
Bogt, Ashley Ter
Bologlannis, Eve
Bouchier, Michelle
Bowden, Sandra
Branson, Lyn
Bruce, Cheryl
Bruno, Audrey
C, Rachel
Callander, Helen
Carter, Julie
Chambers, Michele
Chapple, Rosalie
Cheesman, Jan
Christensen, Heather
Christian, Jill
Clark, Deidre
Coliver, Helen
Cooke, Rosalie
Cooper, Ruth
Cottrill, Dot
Cowland, Pam
Coxhill, Phyllis
Crane, Helen
Crosby, Valmai
D, Thorah
Davies, Katherine
Davies, Sheana
Day, Averil
Deare, Gwenellen
Dellit, Gillian
Dempsey, Gaye
Denniston, Jackie
Dingwall, Heidi
Dinning, Winsome
Donaldson, Ute
Drion, Mary
Drummond, Margaret
Drunm, Shirley
Drury, Rosemary
Duance, Lesley
Duggan, Nancy
Dunstan, Beryl
Dutton, Lynette
Dyer, Judith
Dyer, Ruth
E, Melissa
Emery, Nina
Emms, Kathy
Farley, Carol
Farwell, Estelle
Ferris, Aileen
Fischer, Cheryl
Fisher, Dianne
Flatman, Judy
Fleming, Jenny
Flood, Carolyn
Foy, Pauline
Fuller, Jocelyn
Fulwood, Jean
Fuss, Josie
G, Lillian
Gardnersmith, Rosemary
Gaston, Stephanie
Geriche, Pat
Gerritsen, Bev
Goodwin, Helen
Gordon, Eva
Gorroick, Ann
Graetz, Melva
Grainger, Edie
Gregory, Betty
Gritton, Jennifer
H, Chris
Hammer, Rosemary
Haslam, Kath
Hein, Lee
Helmore, Anne
Henry, Christina
Higgs, Janet
Hine, Karen
Holliday, Marie
Horsnell, Jean
Howard, Lisel
Howlett, Lori
Hunt, Beryl
Hunter, Jenny
Hutton, Robbyn
Hyde, Jane
Inverarity, Robyn
Inward, Rhonda
J, Lauren
J, Lessa
Jansen, Ineke
Jean, Marlene
Jeffery, Heather
Jelinek, Josie
Jones, Colleen
Jones, Gaynor
K, Niamh
Kassebaum, Rosemary
Keily, Valerie
Kein, Reina
Kelsey, Jenifer
Kemp, Marcia
Kerslake, Beryl
Key, Jill
Kidman, Liz
Kidman, Suzie
Kilsby, Karen
Kim, Cherie
Kimber, Chris
Kirchner, Di
Kirkman, Wendy
Kitto, Marg
Knight, Jenny
Lahainer, Lesley
Lamont, Lennelle
Lane, Elaine
Lapins, Toni
Lawton, Penny
Leahy, Margaret
Leske, Glenys
Liddle, Jessica
Lidstone, Pam
Lock, Betty
Lodge, Joan
Lombard, Hettie
Lucas, Kaye
Lucas, Margaret
Ludwig, Elaine
Macintosh, Jenny
Madden, Leone
Major, Iris
Mansfield, Marione
Marchant, Jill
Marks, Trish
Marsh, Margaret
Martin, Janet
Matter, Nancy
McCarthy, Heather
McEwin, Pauline
McInnes, Joy
McInnis, Jean
McMahon, Merlene
Meatheringham, Ros
Medhurst, Chris
Merenda, Yvonne
Miles, Jan
Miles, Melva
Milics, Soly
Miller, Tony
Moore, Mary
Morgan, Margaret
Morris, Herta
Moskwa, Diana
Mudge, Wendy
Mullan, Barbara
Mullan, Carol
Munroe, Sarah
Nield, Margret
Oates, Marion
Olafsen, Nadine
Organ, Hannah
Osborne, Glenys
Oswald, Karin
P, Josephine
Pace, Leanne
Pajkovski, Roberta
Pasin, Josie
Peace, Geny
Pearson, Edith
Pethick, Annette
Pfeiffer, Margaret
Pike, Susan
Pitt, Jan
Plunkett, Christine
Plunkett, Rosslyn
Polomka, Anne-Marie
Porter, Robyn
Pratt, Rita
Pring, Vivienne
R, Amelia
Rayson, Julia
Rebetzke, Narelle
Reynolds, Christine
Richardson, Deb
Robinson, Carol
Rodda, Denise
Roesler, Jillian
Roper, Joan
Ross, Anne
Ross, Ronda
Rundle, Marg
Rushbrook, Doreen
Salmond, Rosalie
Sanders, Ellen
Sanders, Kerry
Sanderson, Gay
Saunders, Rosalind
Schumann, Anne
Schwerdt, Lelene
Shinnick, Sue
Simmonds, Denise
Simmons, Sally
Smith, Sandra
Sosa, Dragica
Sparks, Lyn
Stacey, Carol
Starr, Joy
Starr, Trish
Steffensen, Junette
Steinmetz, Liz
Stephens, Rhonda
Stevens, Roylee
Stevens, Vi
Stone, Lorraine
Stringer, Elaine
Stuart, Fiona
Stuart, Peta
Sunstrom, Jan
Sutherland, Michelle
Svingos, Tracy
Symonds, Deanna
Szekeres, Judy
T, Elena
Thompson, Glenys
Thompson, Sigrid
Thornton, Collette
Thornton, Jeanne
Thornton, Sue
Tilbrook, Lee
Tilbrooke, Rita
Tom, Jan
Trajkovic, Maria
Tyler, Gloria
Varney, Di
Verner, Nancy
W, Olivia
W, Peira
Wachtel, Ann
Walker, Helen
Walker, Melissa
Walkley, Dianne
Waller, Vikki
Walton, Sheena
Ward, Kay
Warnes, Julie
Washington, Hanna
Wege, Sue
Wendt, Marjorie
Westbrook, Joan
Whelan, Claire
White, Michelle
Whitney, Susannah
Williams, Catherine
Williams, Dianne
Williams, Nancy
Williams, Patricia
Willoughby, Rae
Wilton, Kit
Wright, Aileen
Wynen, Arrienne
Young, Carol
Young, Sue