- Owner
- Ardrossan Heritage Museum
- Region
- Yorke Peninsula
- Creator
- Fighting Forces Comforts Fund. Ardrossan
- Measurements
- 119cm x 86cm
- Historical Period/Date
- 20th Century (1930-1969 Mid)/c1940s
- ID Number
- ESPO-031
- Classifications
- Appliqué,Banners,Chain Stitch,Stem Stitch,
Physical Description
Rectangular white banner with 'Ardrossan Unit 458' embroidered in chain stitch in royal blue cotton thread. The FFCF logo is stitched beneath this text in very fine stem stitch. A large royal blue 'V' (for victory) has been applied in the centre. Names have been embroidered both inside the 'V' and on each side, all worked in stem stitch with red thread. The banner has a dowel through a sleeve at the top and is framed.
Theme and Purpose
World War II. Fighting Forces Comforts Fund. Fundraiser. From museum label: 'Patriotic funds were established in all states during WWI to provide and distribute free comforts to the 'fit' Australian fighting men in all battle zones. During WW2 the fund was called the 'Fighting Forces Comforts Fund SA Inc'. Mainly run by women this is the local banner which was found in the Ardrossan Town Hall several years ago in poor condition. The signatures of those supporting the fund were written in pencil and then embroidered to provide a permanent record. Lovingly restored by a local resident this banner will be on permanent display at the Ardrossan Museum from 1st May 2014 following brief displays in the Ardrossan Library and then the pharmacy'.
Below are the names that have been transcribed from this object. Multiple instances of a name on one object is indicated by a bracketed number after the name. A name in bold appears on other objects. Click these names to see the other objects.
Aldenhoven, E
Aldridge, D
Aldridge, E E
Aldridge, G E
Aldridge, M M C
Aldridge, R J
Aldridge, V G
Allen, C F
Allen, F A
Armfield, A S (Pres)
Armfield, Barbara
Armfield, Barry J
Armfield, M S
Armfield, Marilyn
Armfield, Nanette
Armfield, R J
Arnold, Frank R
Arnold, Frank R (2)
Bache, A
Bache, J E
Bache, M E
Baillis, W F
Baird, C T
Baird, J O
Baird, Sheila
Baker, J J
Baker, Judith
Baker, Robin
Banfield, G M
Banks, H
Barlett, C
Barlett, H W
Barrett, A G
Barton, C D
Barton, G L
Bawden, L H O (Gnr)
Bawden, S M
Baxter, L E
Beck, Brenda
Beck, Colin
Beck, D W (LAC)
Beck, F L (LAC)
Beck, G
Beck, Lorraine
Beck, M E
Beck, Raymond
Beck, Terence
Beck, V
Bott, J M (AB)
Bowman, H M
Bowman, H W
Brook, K D I
Brown, A C
Brown, B
Brown, Lillian
Brown, M J
Brown, M P
Brown, O J
Brown, O J (Mrs)
Brown, R A
Brumley, E W
Brust, J M
Bull, F C
Bulpitt, E M
Bulpitt, F D
Burdon, Errol R
Burdon, Ivor L
Burford, M K
Burford, Mary
Cain, G W
Cairns, E J
Cairns, H
Callary, D
Cane, A
Cane, E A
Cane, Joan M
Cane, K R
Cane, K R (2)
Cane, W H
Carberry, J
Carter, A H
Carter, Reg
Carty, J
Carty, L A
Carty, M (Sts)
Carty, T J
Charles, L
Charles, Maureen
Charles, W
Chick, Colin L
Chick, Gwen
Chilton, P
Clift, Margaret
Clift, Robert
Clift, V E
Cobby, N
Cobby, R
Cole, H E
Cole, Rita
Collins, J J H
Cook, E G
Cook, F
Cook, I D
Cowan, K G
Cowan, N K
Cowan, R
Crowell, O B
Curtin, B M
Curtin, John
Dare, F M
Davey, A M
Davey, L B
Davey, M W
Dew, F E
Dew, R B
Dinham, Maud
Dugan, E F
Duigan, E M (Hon Treas)
Duigan, E S
Duigan, P
Duke, Mab F
Dunnet, R
Dyer, D
Edwards, L M
Egerton, A E
Elliott, A C
Elliott, A M
Elliott, A O K
Elliott, K B
Elliott, Marjorie
Elliott, R M
Elliott, W J
Emery, J J
Emery, L M
Feutrill, A
Fitzgerald, O N
Francis, K
Freshfield, E J
Gardner, C M
Geary, I L
George, J
Gibbs, W H
Giddings, C J
Giddings, J I
Gleeson, C B
Goldsworthy, Leonie
Goldsworthy, T
Grayson, R B
Grayson, R C
Greer, Gus V
Gunter, R
Harding, E A
Hare, J L
Harme, M
Harmer, E J K
Harmer, W C H
Harris, K B
Healey, Bet
Heaven, B K
Heaven, E E
Heaven, E J (O/D)
Heaven, J S
Heaven, K R
Heaven, N J
Heaven, R T
Henderson, B L
Henderson, Grace
Henderson, L E
Henderson, L J (Gnr)
Henderson, Len
Henderson, Ruth
Henderson, Tom
Herbert, G A G
Herbert, P
Hicks, Gwen
Hicks, M H
Hicks, M K (AC)
Hillier, B M
HMAS Warremunga
Hogarth, Pauline
Hogarth, Robert
Hogarth, Rosemary
Horne, R L
Hosking, Gloria
Hosking, T A
Houlson, G T
Houston, Jean
Huckvale, C
Huckvale, Cath
Huckvale, E
Huckvale, J
Huckvale, M
Hunt, G M
Hustler, H F
Hyde, E M
Hyde, G J C
Hyde, May
Hynes, A F
Hynes, M T
Ingram, A (Tpr)
Ingram, E L
Ingram, M J
Jack, C N ?
Jarrett, E M
Jarrett, E M (2)
Jarrett, E M (3)
Jarrett, G E
Johnson, Glynn
Keating, F (LAC)
Keating, J
Keating, T P J (Grd Sig)
Kendle, C T
Kenny, A A (Vice Pres)
Kenny, A C
Kenny, Carmel
Kenny, Desmond
Kenny, M T
Kenny, Tom
Kerr, Grant
Kirwan, Jean
Kirwan, Joan
Knapp, Doris
Knapp, R K
Kuhndt, A L
Kuhndt, C H R
Kuhndt, C M
Kuhndt, D M
Kuhndt, H F
Lally, K
Lamb, A
Lamb, E (Hon Sec)
Lamb, P
Langdon, E
Langdon, H L
Langford, Amy B
Langford, Jack H
Langford, W A
Leader, Kevin (LAC)
Lechea, C R
Linke, Audrey
Linke, Hope
Linke, M E
Linke, V E (Cpl)
Lock, C H
Lock, E H
Lock, L E
Lock, M
Lock, Peter
Lock, Ruby L
Lodge, E
Lodge, E E
Lodge, F M
Lodge, I H
Lodge, M
Lodge, Mary
Lodge, S E
Lodge, V T
Lodger, W A
Lord, M V
Loughlin, K C
Lovell, E H
Lovell, G C
Luck, Vera E
MacGregor, D
Marriott, E G
Marriott, L C
Marriott, R J
Mason, M H
McCarthy, J
McDonald, U
Melville, F
Melville, Russell
Miller, M W
Millowick, C M
Millowick, Eileen
Millowick, M V
Montgomerie, A
Montgomerie, A R
Montgomerie, L B
Montgomerie, L M
Mooney, W J
Nancarrow, L N
Newbery, H G
Noble, A
Noble, A K
Norris, M E
Ogilvy, A E
Ogilvy, D G
Ogilvy, D R
Ogilvy, G
Olifent, J M
Ormsby, Claude W
Page, Dell
Page, Howard
Pasfield, E M
Pavy, E R
Pavy, H B
Pavy, R
Pavy, V B
Pepper, I
Petersen, C A
Peterson, M
Peterson, Peter
Peterson, Rosa
Phelps, E
Phillips, G M
Pickett, C J
Pike, E R
Pitt, P P
Powell, Steve
Pryor, E J
Pryor, M E
Reid, Yvonne
Reynolds, Leonore
Roads, N R (Pte)
Roads, R E
Roads, Z C A
Roberts, Joan F
Robertson, J L (AB)
Rogers, B ?
Rollison, W E
Roney, S
Ropads, Winifred
Rowe, Beryl
Rowe, T L
Rowntree, A J (FM)
Rowntree, J J
Rowntree, L G
Sanders, A J
Sanders, A M
Sanders, E
Sanders, E M
Sanders, P J
Sanders, Patsy
Sanders, Terlie
Satchell, A I
Satchell, L H
Scholes, E
Sexton, T D
Sharland, A E
Sharland, Bill
Sharland, Bob
Sharland, W D (State Pres)
Shepherd, V (Units)
Simmons, F I
Smith, A P
Smith, C B
Smith, Gerty
Snell, John C ?
Soller, A J
Sparrow, G F
Spurling, C G
Spurling, H C
Spurling, N
Staley, H
Staley, V
Stock, M K
Synsh, Geo
Synsh, Ken
Synsh, N
Thomas, L
Timperon, Mary
Timperson, J
Trable, C W
Trable, F M
Tscharke, Victoria
Tuckett, A F
Tuckett, J
Tuckett, Joan
Turner, C H
Turner, E J
Turner, H F
Turner, M
Turner, May
Underwood, H
Underwood, J M
Vandepeer, A R
Vandepeer, Alfred S
Vandepeer, Jane
Vandepeer, S A (Vice Pres)
Vivian, K M
Ward, E
Ward, H I
Ward, J M
Ward, R E (Cpl)
Waters, D J
Waters, R A
Watson, A G
Watson, L
Watson, R M L
Watson, W H
Werfel, M
Wharton, Beau
Wharton, Ken
Wheare, E J
Wheare, Fletcher
Wheare, J M
Wheare, June
Wheare, M A
Wheare, R
Whelburn, R A
Whitbread, A
Williams, D N
Williams, N L
Willing, M K
Willing, N
Wilson, M L
Winen, E L
Winen, H
Wisdom, F
Wood, Dennis
Wuttke, A E F
Zilm, E
Zilm, F
Zilm, J