Embroidered Signatures ProjectRed Cross. Glenelg Methodist Red Cross Circle 1941: Quilt

Kapara Nursing Home
Australian Red Cross. Glenelg Methodist Red Cross Circle
199cm x 161cm
Historical Period/Date
20th Century (1930-1969 Mid)/1941
ID Number

Physical Description

White cotton Red Cross quilt with a large red central cross surrounded by embroidered red signatures. Text embroidered in red "Presented to 'Kapara' Hostel by Glenelg Methodist Red Cross Circle. Feb 1941".

Theme and Purpose

Red Cross. World War II. Fundraiser by Glenelg Methodist Red Cross Circle, 1941.


Below are the names that have been transcribed from this object. Multiple instances of a name on one object is indicated by a bracketed number after the name. A name in bold appears on other objects. Click these names to see the other objects.

Abbott, E E

Abbott, E M

Abbott, F

Adams, E E

Adams, M E

Adams, P G

Allen, Eva

Allen, Wm

Ashby, E

Bagshaw, L

Barrett, Lena

Barrett, Sybella

Bartholomaeus, C

Bartholomaeus, E

Bell, R

Blight, C (Mrs)

Blight, Mavis C

Bond, Doreen G

Bonney, O A

Booth, Vera

Boscence, A J

Boscence, C N

Boswarva, M

Broadbent, J

Broadbent, M

Brooks, P

Bullock, L

Buttery, K

Buttery, Kay

Camac, C T

Camac, E S

Cant, Gladys

Cardwell, C

Cardwell, G C C

Carlson, H E

Carrole, A E

Cavalier, Mollie A

Champness, E

Chapman, Rita

Chesterfield, M C

Chesterfield, M E

Chesterfield, S R

Chesterfield, V T

Claridge, A C

Claridge, F M

Claridge, H G

Clark, C

Clark, D H

Clark, G E

Clark, H C

Clark, M H

Clark, R

Clark, R J

Clark, S C

Clement, Carrie

Clement, Stanley C

Coad, E

Coe, A E

Cohen, L J

Collyer, L

Colmer, Merle F

Connell, A M

Connell, Gwen

Connell, Myles

Cook, E

Cook, H

Cook, J

Cook, S

Cook, S A

Coombes, Effie

Cooper, Bette

Cornish, E B

Cornish, E G

Cornish, E S

Cowdrey, M M

Crambrook, A R

Curlis, Hazel

Cutten, C

Cuwson, E K

Darlington, N

Davidson, Colin

Davidson, E

Davidson, Ella

Davidson, Jack D

Davidson, Janet

Deerworth, E M

Dellridge, Amy

Diment, J

Disher, M

Dorman, L H

Duncan, G S

Dunsford, H G

Dunworth, E M

Durnford, C

Durnford, J

Eastwood, C A

Edwards, Dove

Everitt, ? G

Everitt, A G

Eza?d, E

Ferguson, M H

Fewill, M

Fitzgerald, Enid

Flaherty, M

Flaherty, M (2)

Foale, C

Forbes, Gordon

Forbes, M

Forbes, R

Fowler, B

Freer, Anne

Fuller, Edith

Fuller, J E

Fuller, Joyce

Fuller, M J

Gann, Alma

Gates, B W

Gates, H

George, M

Giles, I M

Giles, M H

Gill, Beth

Gill, J J

Gill, Jean

Gill, M E

Glann, M

Glastonbury, A G

Gloyn, Jean

Glynn, E B

Godwin, E H

Goldsworthy, R

Gooden, C E

Gorby, Teresa

Goss, E M

Graiu, M

Graiu, M (2)

Graiu, M (3)

Graves, Doris

Graves, Patricia

Grimm, G M

Gruymer, Sylvia

Gunnill, Clarissa

Gunnill, Harrison

Guy, R E

Guy, R I

Habib, E (?)

Hall, Dot

Harding, I J

Harding, J

Harding, J E

Harding, S

Harding, T

Harris, A C

Harris, F M

Harris, Mary

Hayles, A

Hayles, C D

Hayles, E (Mrs)

Hayles, Edwin

Hayles, Edwin (2)

Hayles, L K

Hayles, Lorna

Hayles, Mary

Hayles, Ruth

Heggie, Margaret

Helps, V G

Herbert, R I

Hessian, A

Hessian, J

Hessian, M

Hessian, M (2)

Hill, C

Hill, C W

Hill, Clem

Hill, F A

Hill, Frank

Hill, H A

Hill, H F

Hill, Ralph

Hill, Roland (Mrs)

Hiscock, Constance C

Hobbs, H E

Hoeper, A

Hollow, E R

Hollow, J

Hook, B M

Hopkins, M

Hudd, Mabel

Hughes, V

Hunt, Ruth

Hunter, Clarisse M

Hurst, W (Major)

Jackson, Janice

Jackson, John

Jackson, K

Jackson, M

Jefferson, L

Jewell, M

Johns, R V

Jones, Bert

Jones, W H

Jones, W K

Jude, E A

Karinas, E O

Kelly, Florence

Kemp, M

King, Brian

King, Stanley

Koske, M

Langman, D W

Langman, S G

Lecker, R (Mrs)

Lee, E H

Lee, L

Levy, A S

Levy, K M

Lewcock, E

Linton, Edna

Loughlin, J C (Melbourne)

Lovelock, J

Mallen, Hilda

Marlor, K

Marshall, C M

Marshall, E

Marshall, E M

Martin, M B

Martin, Tess

Matthews, H

May, D J

Maynes, J O

McDonald, B

McDonald, E

McLean, A W

McLean, M

McLean, Neil

Meyer, Amy S

Meyer, R

Miller, C

Miller, W

Milnes, E M

Moore, Carmel

Moore, Elsie

Moore, Patricia

Morrison, J

Mutton, Mona

Newell, S A

Nightingale, E A

Parslour, E

Parsons, E J

Parsons, G J

Partridge, L E

Pascoe, K

Pascoe, L

Patterson, M (Mrs)

Pattinson, Florence

Pearce, H L

Pearce, R

Penhole, M

Penney, B

Penney, B F

Penney, E A

Penney, R A

Petersen, A

Peterson, F M

Phillips, Adele J

Phillips, Elsie M

Phillips, M A

Phillips, V

Pitt, Arthur W

Pitt, Ella A

Pitt, Jessie

Pommel, Emma

Porter, F

Prisk, Gwen

Quin, D

Radcliffe, R J

Rady, L W

Ramage, R L

Raymond, R E

Redford, Nancye

Reed, C

Reid Smith, W H

Reid, Gertrude

Reid, M

Reid, Nanette

Richmond, Bob

Richmond, J W

Richmond, Olive

Roach, A M

Roach, Lilian

Roberts, Audrey

Rosenbury, B

Rosenby, B

Rouse, G

Rugless, Bella

Sara, B

Sara, E

Sara, G

Sara, H

Sara, J

Sara, R

Schrapel, R A

Scott, G J

Scott, V C

Scrutton, Vi

Sendy, L I

Shaughnessy, N V

Sloan, N

Sloane, Nellie

Smith, E C

Smith, Frank

Smith, Lillian

Solomon, B J

Solomon, M I

Solomon, M J

Soulter, W S (Mrs)

Stanhope, A E

Stead, E

Stock, A J

Stock, C D

Strange, A J

Strange, A J (2)

Strange, E J

Stratford, H

Strathearn, Mercy

Stubbs, Myra

Taylor, A G

Taylor, F C

Taylor, F G

Taylor, F I

Taylor, Roma

Teagle, N

Temme, I (Miss)

Tench, Hazel O

Thomas, Gwen

Tiver, A

Tiver, Vera

Trabe, Edith

Trenaman, E M (Matron)

Tucker, Coral

Turner, E

Turner, W

Viney, Laurel

Ward, John C

Ward, R A

Ware, Belle

Way, Lillian K

Way, Muriel L

Webb, Pearl

Weil, S (Miss)

Weston, A J

Whibly, A M

Whibly, G D

Whibly, J A

Whibly, M A

Williams, Elizabeth A

Williams, James H

Williams, Matilda

Williamson, S

Wills, P

Wiltshire, S

Wollaston, H

Wollaston, M A

Woods, L

Woollard, P L

Yeates, J W