Explore the CollectionSash

92cm x 43cm
Place of Origin
Historical Period/Date
Unknown date
Registration Number
Counted Thread Work,Pulled Fabric Work,
Costume Accessories - Men,Sashes,Uckers,

Physical Description

A Turkish sash (uckur) of hand-woven cotton crepe embroidered at the end with six vertical bands of stylised flowers in pots. Bands 1, 3, 4 and 6 comprise two large stylised single flowers with leaves in urns and bands2 and 5 comprise three small urns of flowers. There is a divided geometric band at the very end in pulled fabric work and surface stitches. Colours include mauves, pink, red, greens, blue and metal thread.The arrangment of the groupsof motifs indicates that this could have been originally a longer piece that would have been divided up the centre and used as a cord or sash threaded through the trouser tops and tied.

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