Explore the CollectionTablecloth

85cm x 86cm
Place of Origin
South Australia
Historical Period/Date
20th Century (1930-1969 Mid)/1932
Registration Number
Long and Short Stitch,Needlepainting,Stem Stitch,
Household Textiles,Tablecloths,

Physical Description

Supper cloth - fine natural colour linen ground; square shaped with an edge worked with a line of padded satin stitch and very small needlelace picots. The edge of the cloth follows the outlines of leaves. An embroidered design around the edge with vine leaves, grapes, vine stems and tendrils, stitched in needlepainting, long and short stitch, stem stitch in silk using single strands. Dimension and shading created by the use of many shades of each colour - autumn tonings - yellow, orange, red and green plus brown for the stems.

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